Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
What is NEMT?
NEMT provides Medical Assistance (MA) members with the safest, most appropriate and cost-effective mode of transportation to get to and from nonemergency medical service appointments. Members can arrange NEMT as one-way or round trips. Medical necessity determines which of the following types or levels of transport and ancillary services the member is certified to receive for transport to and from covered medical services:
• Local county or tribal agency-administered NEMT includes:
• Private automobiles (Mode 1 – personal mileage)
• Volunteer drivers (Mode 2 – volunteer driver mileage)
• Bus, taxicab or dial-a-ride, light rail or other commercial carriers (Mode 3 – unassisted and Mode 4 - assisted)
Eligibility :
To be eligible to receive NEMT services, the member must meet one of the following criteria:
• Enrolled in Medical Assistance (MA)
• Enrolled in state-only funded MA benefits due to residing in an institution for mental diseases (IMD)
• Enrolled in Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA)
• A MinnesotaCare enrollee under the age of 19
• A pregnant woman enrolled in MinnesotaCare
• Enrolled in Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA)
• Enrolled in Minnesota Family Planning Program (MFPP)
What services does NEMT cover?
MHCP covers NEMT services when provided for an eligible MHCP member to or from the site of an MHCP-covered medical service and either of the following apply:
• Services are provided by an enrolled MHCP health care provider (ambulance and state-administered NEMT)
• Services are provided by a local county services or tribal agency provider (local agency-administered NEMT)
Arranging Transportation :
Members may arrange for transportation as one-way or round trip within the 30- or 60-mile limit criteria (30 miles for a trip to a primary care provider or 60 miles for a trip to a specialty care provider).
The school district is responsible for transportation when the services to or from which the member is being transported are part of an individualized education program (IEP).
Please submit requests for transportation up to five days before the needed public transportation and at least three days for all other modes of transportation to allow transport to be scheduled.
If a member lives within three-fourths of a mile of a public transit route and his or her appointment is within three-fourths of a mile of a public transit route, and it is an appropriate mode of transportation for them, then they must use public transportation.
Reoccurring Trips :
A recurring trip is when an MHCP member needs transportation to appointments with sequential dates and times on a daily, weekly, or bi-weekly basis for an extended period. MHCP members may schedule recurring trips for up to 30 days at a time in most cases. Members may schedule for more than 30 days in advance for the following conditions or services (including but not limited to):
• Dialysis
• Child day treatment programs (Fraser, Lazarus, etc.)
• Chemotherapy
• Dialectical behavior therapy