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November is National Family Caregivers Month!

Happy National Family Caregivers Month! The month of November is a time that is dedicated to recognizing, supporting and empowering family caregivers so be sure to thank your family caregiver for all of their hard work!

It is important to remember that being a caregiver is not an easy task. Often times, caregivers can become so invested in the health of their client that they lose sight of taking care of themselves. Here are a few helpful tips that may help a family caregiver in your life:

  1. Learn: Educate yourself about some of the troubles facing caregivers today and think about ways that you could help combat these issues with a caregiver that you may be acquainted with. The more you know, the easier it will be to find ways that you can help! Our previous blog post may be helpful in learning some of the facts about troubles facing family caregivers.

  2. Give a break: Set a time when you think you can give the caregiver a break. Spend time with their client and allow the caregiver to go grocery shopping or run errands. This will give the caregiver time to recharge. No matter how much time you have to give, even small periods of time could give the caregiver some relief.

  3. Check-In: Caregivers often struggle with feeling isolated or alone. They often feel as though that cannot talk to people about what they’re going through because they’re so invested in offering optimal care to their client. A phone call to check in, sending a note, or stopping by to visit can go a long way in making a family caregiver feel supported.

  4. Tackle Their To-Do List: Ask the caregiver if there is a list of errands that you could run for them such as picking up their dry cleaning or grabbing them some groceries. This is especially relevant during the holiday season when we are tasked with picking up gifts for friends and family, or cooking holiday meals. It is often hard for caregivers to complete tasks around their home, so offering help with these tasks can be a huge relief.

These are just a few of the things that you could do to help a family caregiver! Each situation is different, so asking the caregiver what they prefer could be a good first step in this process. If helping a caregiver in these ways is not possible, be sure to at least extend you gratitude and show them that their work does not go unnoticed.

Metropolitan Community Services provides home care services in the form of Personal Care Assistance and Homemaking. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a caregiver to a family member (or non-family member), or would like more information on how to enroll someone for services with our agency, please contact us at 952-658-8995 or

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